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发布日期:2024-09-12 08:09:55



我也好想有个依靠 在人间也有个港湾

放下一切烦恼 给我一秒自由

你在世上唯一的路牌 让我能找寻方向

日夜挑战身体极限 你从未放弃过我

脆弱的我有太多慌张 你总是给我方向

告诉我要坚强 你将风暴化为微风

是因为你给我的勇气 才有我唱了这首歌


I’d like to have someone to rely on, a harbor in this world,

Put down all the annoyance and give me a second of freedom,

You’re the only signboard in the world that enables me to find the direction,

Challenge the physical limit day and night, and you’ve never given up on me,

I’m fragile and always panicky, and you always give me direction,

Tell me to be strong and make storms into a breeze,

It was because of the courage you gave me that I could sing this song.



2024-03-18 10:35:19
